Book Review Template

Image of the book

Short Summary
Your summary should be 3-4 sentences and should include an introduction to the plot, characters, and setting of the story. Remember, don’t give away the ending!
Your analysis should include your critique of the author’s work.
For example, you might answer questions like: Did the plot drag or was it well-paced? Was the language particularly beautiful? Were the characters well-developed?  Does this book fit into a specific genre like romance, mystery, science fiction, etc.? What aspects of the genre does it use?
Your analysis should also include your opinion of the book and persuade the reader to share it, to read the book, or to avoid reading it.

Additional Info
Add anything else that you think is important about the book. You can include a quote from your lit circle notes if you would like! If you use a quote, remember to include the page number like this: "Awesome quote" (12).

Otherwise known as tags, labels will help your user to identify similar books to the one that you are reviewing. They will also demonstrate your understanding of the book and what it was about. Labels can include genre and other words that you think describe your book and will help other readers find it if they search for a specific term.

Please include your first name

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